Holy Week and Easter at Church of the Palms

ALL are welcome at these events! April 14: Palm Sunday. Our Sanctuary Choir will share a musical presentation, Reflections on Holy Week. April 18: Maundy Thursday 5:00 p.m. We’ll host a community service that will include our sister churches: United Church UCC and Sun City Christian.  Communion will be served. April 19: Good Friday self-directed labyrinth… Continue reading Holy Week and Easter at Church of the Palms

Social Justice Team update

Seeking JUSTICE through Prayer, Action, Love, Ministry & Support P. A. L. M. S. The Church of the Palms Social Justice Team, which is part of the Board of Mission & Outreach, is moving forward by addressing major social justice issues of our times. Using the scripture passage from Micah 6:8, “And what does the… Continue reading Social Justice Team update

Please continue to pray for Debby Stinton and family

Rick Woodford

On the morning of Tuesday, August 8, Debby Stinton, our pastoral assistant, learned that her son, Rick Woodford, had been hit by a car and suffered numerous internal and external injuries. Rick passed away on August 22. A Go Fund Me page was set up for Rick’s medical fund, if you feel moved to contribute. Please keep… Continue reading Please continue to pray for Debby Stinton and family